Believe in your dog, Make the change

We provide dog training in the Athens, GA area. One-on-one lessons, group sessions, basic obedience packages & S.T.A.R Puppy classes. Plus a social club with weekly dog meet & greets and scheduled events.

Lets Talk

Our Core Features

Founder owned company

We personally provide all services.

Strong experience

More than 50 years experience with dog training across the team.

Easy Pricing

We are up front about costs with no hidden fees or service charges.

Smooth Touch

We work with most breeds, sizes, and ages


We can work with you to establish plans for diet, medical needs, and emergency situations.

We want to know you!

We look forward to having you be part of the instruction process.

Programs by professionals

AKC S.T.A.R puppy training (1 lesson/week for 8 weeks) with final instructor administered test and program enrollment.

Why Choose Us?

Taylor - 10 years experience in exotic animal rehabilitation and dog training.

Taylor is our top pick for trainer - she works with her husband Clay.

Clay - More than 20 years experience with dogs, and focused training experience for 10 years.

Clay and Taylor make up the power duo that will work with you to establish the right program for your dog!

Want updates or a reminder?

We won’t send you more than 1 email a month. You’ll get upcoming events and news as well as insider discounts.

Customer reviews

It was great knowing that I got to meet the real person working with my dog every day while boarded. They did a great job keeping him happy and healthy while I was in Brazil for 2 weeks.


Boarding & Private lesson reciepient

The group lessons were a great way to meet friendly dog owners for play dates!


Group session participant

The consistent training at a young age really helped me settle into a healthy & fulfulling relationship with my dogs.


AKC S.T.A.R puppy training